DIN Rail DALI Master Controller SR-2300-USB | 70030140
key Features
- Central controller of a DALI system to control DALI control gears on the DALI
- Designed with built-in 100mA DAL/ PS to power the DALI circuit
-  Dip switches can be used to disable or enable DALI PS
- Once built-in DALI PS is disabled, the master controller can be connected to an eternal DALI PS
- Enables to automatically assign and manage addresses to up to 64 control gears
- Enables to control up to 64 control gears with 64 addresses
- Â Supports 5 DAL/ control gear device types: DT6, DT8 Tc, DT8 XY coordinate, 0T2 RGBINA, DT7 Switching actuator
- Â Supports DALI-2 type 301 push button input devices
- Enables to set up to 16 DALI scenes for each control gear
- Â Enables to assign each control gear to up to 16 DALE groups
- Enables to set up to 256 timer tasks
- Â Enables to set up to 4 types brightness fade and color fade cycle schedules
- Enables to set up to 4 Bionic color temperature schedules for the (CT control gears to mimic natural light change during 24 hours of a day (Human Centric Lighting)
- Â Designed with PC configuration software toot, enables to configure and read parameters of the master and control gears
- Â Can be easily mounted on 35mm standard DIN rail